The ex-prime minister, Liz Truss, whose fiscal plans caused chaos in the UK economy, is back to save the economy.
If at first you don’t succeed…
Liz, who was outlasted by a lettuce as PM, tweeted: “How to increase GDP per capita is a core challenge for the UK and others. Advanced economies have seen declining growth over decades. I’ve convened @TheGrowthComm to analyse policy proposals and indicate what’s required to deliver growth.“
Liz Truss save economy
Truss who crashed the economy in her 49-day stint in the top jon, insisted growth was a “long game” as she introduced a new research institute to enact her vision.
She has brought the economists together but seems to be keeping a hand off apporac
The Mirror reports that: “Liz Truss hides at launch of her own new Growth Commission to ‘fix economy'”.
One of the group’s co-chairman, Shanker Singham, claimed opportunities for growth in the UK were “abundant and increasing”.
He added: “Failure to act will see us miss out on the opportunities presented by huge technological advances that we have seen especially over the last 20 years.”
Related: This Boris Johnson Liz Truss comparison has people in stitches