A scathing article in the Sydney Morning Herald leaves no prisoners on the state of the UK post-Brexit.
It comes after Cityam reported that former home secretary Amber Rudd has claimed that some Brexiteers, after “a drink or two”, will admit that the decision to leave the EU has been a “disaster”.
She said that in a “quiet moment – perhaps they’ve had a drink or two – they will admit it’s been a disaster”.
“‘But of course it wasn’t the Brexit I wanted’. So they still feel legitimate to campaign and vote for Brexit. ‘But this Brexit is not the one I wanted’.”
Cruel Britannia
So how is Brexit seen in Australia?
Well, in an opinion piece by Tom Burts titled Cruel Britannia: How post-Brexit England is falling apart he pulls no punches and read he whole piece on their website.
This paragraph is a shot to the heart:
Maybe a nation, like a sturdy vessel, can drift slowly and indefinitely towards the horizon. Maybe bits can fall off and not be replaced and the basic structure, the ribs, are enough to keep it going. Maybe the water stops pouring in when the ship sinks low enough.
Towards the end of the article he writes:
I got a text message from my brother-in-law the day we arrived back in Australia. He’d been in the UK too. Like us, he’d emigrated and, like us, he’d noticed a change in the UK since the last time we had been there together. We had wondered what we would do if our energy bills quadrupled, or if we couldn’t pay the mortgage.
Related: Brexiter Tory is lampooned after blaming economy on B word