PMQs: Britain ‘can’t afford Labour’ claim fails in real time here’s why
An hour after PMQs a story broke rubbishing Tory claims...
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An hour after PMQs a story broke rubbishing Tory claims...
Prince Harry accuses Morgan of inflicting a "barrage of horrific personal attacks and intimidation."
This has to be seen to be believed!
Now this has got peoples' backs up!
"How dare the BBC indoctrinate children with established scientific fact," wrote James Felton.
They won't let you forget Nige!
Another Rishi mid-life crisis fashion faux pas?
"Well done Harry - you're a hero. Calling out the press & the rotten Tory government," tweeted one person.
These are very serious claims from the Prince.
He might not even lose Tory whip!
They were literally laughing at the deal...
The Home Office announced that post-graduates on non-research courses would no longer be able to bring family members to the...
What does this saga say about the media?
Total nonsense as ever from Johnson...
"This has to be the stupidest Tweet I have ever read on these pages," wrote one person.