For enthusiasts of Grand Theft Auto and The Getaway, a compelling new gritty action adventure is in the works, promising a captivating journey through the underbelly of London. Titled ‘ENDS’ and developed by Concrete Realm, the game centers around the character Rahim and his companions Sonny and Reece, offering players a single-player action adventure with RPG elements, allowing crucial decision-making while navigating Rahim’s life.
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Concrete Realm aims to deliver the most authentic London-based gaming experience ever, inviting players to interact with various characters across the city to earn money and handle any obstacles that come their way, reminiscent of the GTA style.
In an interview with Insider Gamer, Concrete Realm expressed their desire to fill a void in gaming that captures the true essence of London. They stated, “We felt that many AAA game developers couldn’t quite capture the authenticity of London as we could.” Referencing recent UK titles like Top Boy and Blue Story, the developers believe ‘ENDS’ can provide a more genuine London experience.
The project, currently seeking ÂŁ10,000 on Kickstarter, emphasizes player choices that significantly impact the narrative. Concrete Realm assures that ‘ENDS’ will not glorify themes like gang culture, drugs, and violence. Instead, the game will focus on depicting the consequences of such elements, exploring how this lifestyle can profoundly affect individuals and communities.
Concrete Realm stated, “Our side missions are specifically designed to contrast legal and illegal activities, with a strong emphasis on demonstrating how each can affect both the community and the main characters within the game.” The developers are committed to offering players a nuanced understanding of complex themes rather than portraying them in a positive light.
With a gritty setting taking players to the ‘slums’ of London, ‘ENDS’ is a passion project designed to provide a realistic and immersive experience. Concrete Realm plans a beta release in the first quarter of 2025 and a full release in December of the same year, contingent on meeting their Kickstarter goal. Interested supporters can contribute to the fundraiser here.