Carol Voderman is at it again, and has turned her attention to Tory MP Johnny Mercer.
It comes as a Telegraph article reported that a minister’s wife said Carol Voderman was ‘inciting hatred’ towards Tories.
Dr Julia Grace Patterson shared the article and wrote: “This article contains a quote saying Carol Vorderman knows nothing about politics. I and many other campaigners talk to Carol a lot. I can tell you with absolute certainty that she knows a *lot* about politics, and she is obviously incredibly intelligent.”
Carol Voderman Johnny Mercer
He appeared on BBC Question Time and Carol wrote: “Morning. Catching up with twitter trending performance of @JohnnyMercerUK on #BBCQT It was so arrogant, truly dumb & off the scale rude ….similar to his childish social media of this week () it appears he may have signed his own resignation letter? No surprises.”
Aaron Bastani also tweeted about Mercer: “Johnny Mercer sounds like a 23 year old guy in mergers and acquisitions whose just sunk 12 jaegerbombs at Infernos and can barely form sentences. For any criticisms I make of Labour MPs they generally speak in complete words.”
Carol then tweeted: “A view of @JohnnyMercerUK performance on #BBCQT last night
“It seems his performance will go down as one of the worst in recent history. Marvellous. Tories will be shooting down the polls even further today. Cheers.”
The former Coutdown star also called out the Mercer for his comments about food banks and paying his wife for taxpayer funded job in his office.
Voderman did point out that another panel member made a good point.
She wrote: “.@DaleVince on #BBCQT spoke with passion, intelligence and caring on the matters of NHS and taxation. Our tax system is so unequal between the rich and the poor, by any measure of justice it is almost fraudulent.”
Related: Tory MP mocks woman praising Samaritans ā Voderman joins anger at comment