An AI study from Denmark and published in Scientific Reports found that those on the right of the political sphere were more likely to have happier facial expressions, whereas liberals looked more neutral. Conservative attractiveness trumps those on the left it is claimed.
“For females (though not males), high attractiveness scores were found among those the model identified as likely to be conservative,” read the findings. “These results are credible given that previous research using human raters has also highlighted a link between attractiveness and conservatism,” they report.
Conservative attractiveness
The photos all came from candidates running in the 2017 Danish Municipal election, submitted by the candidates themselves to the Danish Broadcasting Cooperation.
The AI was correct at predicting the political leanings of a person, based on just one photo of their face, 61 percent of the time.
The results were even more accurate for men, 65 percent, before the team stripped their photo dataset of any visual imagery other than the man’s face.
Some might say it’s not on the outside that counts…
Last ditch attempt to win the next election?
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