Labour leader Keir Starmer said he would “make absolutely zero apologies for being blunt” in an article published in the Daily Mail on Monday.
One of the posters brought in Sunak’s tax affairs and that has annoyed some.
However, Starmer said he would “stand by every word Labour has said on this subject” and would continue to use the Conservatives’ record on crime as a legitimate criticism “no matter how squeamish it might make some feel”.
On LBC Nick Ferrari challenges Labour’s Pat McFadden over his party’s swipe at Rishi Sunak’s wife in a recent attack advert, when he asked: “‘So it’s now open season on senior politicians’ wives?’
Here is one of the adverts about non-dom tax loopholes, a dig at his own wife?
They would being back neighbourhood policing.
Labour will prevent crime apparently, good luck with that…
Then another one accused the Tories for not locking up sex offenders.
The Poke changed it for Labour.
Tory adverts


Then there is always this poster, which many claim was used in 1964 in West Midlands, or 1966 in Clapham London, but it has never been claimed by the party, and you doubt it ever will be…

Related: Viral letter explains why ‘Starmer’s Labour remains a mystery to most voters’