"When you couldn't love wrexham more ATM. They come out with this belter," wrote one person in response.
"I’m really frightened and still a bit in disbelief this is happening here!!," said one person after watching video.
"I blame the EU," said one person in jest at the Tory MP's comment.
"I find it quite extraordinary that a Member of Parliament should deem it appropriate to tweet this."
'Love this man,' said one person about James Blunt
"This by Raab is eye-popping, jaw-dropping narcissistic egotistical myopic tory dreadfulness at it's very best!"
"This is capitalism," wrote one person in response to Corbyn's plea.
The video is very aggressive but is it misplaced?
"ToryLies vs. the sad reality after more than a decade of Conservative governments."
This interview erupts into chaos.
"Hard to imagine a less contrite resignation letter."
"How can a government expect citizens to respect judicial rulings if it is willing to ignore them itself?"
"Quick sign up for more blue ticks."
He has waged war on chai lattes...
A potted history of potholes...