Coventry has produced a diverse range of talented and successful individuals who have made a significant impact in their respective...
Pratt, who is set to voice the character in the film, responded to criticism from fans about Mario's new look...
"The spectre of Jeremy Corbyn looms large in Parliament. By his own admission, he lives “rent free” in Prime Minister...
"The most logical, insightful and comprehensive explanation of #Brexit since 2010," said one person after watching clip.
The new post-Brexit trade deal isn't quite the golden ticket it seems...
When is a trade deal not a trade deal?
He admitted to travelling at 68mph in the 40mph limit area.
"Even Larry the cat knows he’s talking complete boll***."
"This is the endgame of pure capitalism. Don’t be deluded thinking capitalism has a soft side. Don’t be deluded thinking...
"The workplace is now a completely toxic environment where nasty, tone-deaf 'jokes' such as these are considered culturally acceptable."
"One of the funniest things on TV I’ve seen in a long while," wrote one person.
What they say and the truth don't always match.
"Didn't predict @carolvorders destroying Tory MPs more efficiently than any of our journalists who are meant to hold them to...
Well this comment didn't go down well....