Peter Hitchens has come under fire after he wrote an article in the Daily Mail about people with disabilities, then followed up his claims on TalkTV.
The newspaper article’s headline read: “Dyslexia doesn’t exist. It’s a made-up affliction that’s become a multi-million pound industry around children who haven’t been taught to read.”
He then writes: “Both ADHD and dyslexia can qualify the parents of children diagnosed with them for untaxed welfare payments which are not means-tested. ADHD gets you NHS prescriptions for stimulant drugs, remarkably similar to illegal amphetamines, for which there is a substantial black market among the indisputably healthy. I’m glad to say that so far there is no pill specifically for dyslexia. Both lift a burden of responsibility from the sufferer, from his or her parents and above all from the schools they go to.
“This is also a multi-million pound industry – there are now alleged to be 870,000 children with dyslexia in Britain. And those who dare criticise it can expect a lot of howls of rage. Hence the near-universal praise heaped on people such as Jamie Oliver who identify as dyslexia patients.”
Peter was then on TalkTV to continue to bang his drum.
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