"Legit one of the most stupid comments I’ve ever heard," wrote one person.
"REMATCH!" said Count Binface.
Carol Voderman didn't hold back!
"Tim Martin to turn House of Lords into a Wetherspoons," said Toby Earle.
"You people really thought Green Day was on your side?"
"Led by Donkeys being awesome again!"
"Try my online maths school for help," wrote Carol Voderman.
"Cruelty ramped up further," as MPs’ salaries have increased by 31.7% since 2010.
"...all so unnecessary," wrote one person.
Human Rights under threat?
People in glass houses?
She is one of eight MPs currently being investigated.
It comes as merchant shipping continues to be under attack in the Red Sea.
Mone has admitted she lied and stands to benefit from £60m PPE contract profit.
'This is too good,' said one person.