Currie is made to look more daft than normal...
"Clinging on to the turds on the beach because there is nothing else," tweeted Steve Bray.
Where were the Tory big hitters to celebrate all things Brexit with the leave crowd?
"IKEA booked a motivational speaker for their employees to reassure them. Some idiot invited Rishi Sunak to show up," tweeted...
It comes as only 18% of leave voters think Brexit has been a success.
Linekergate didn't turn out too well for the BBC...
"Once again Peter speaks the truth whilst this govt continue to lie!!" wrote one person after watching video.
"Would we expect anything else but unprincipled hypocrisy?" asked one person.
"Deluded," seems to be main responses.
Even LBC's Nick Ferrari tacitly admits that Mick Lynch is good at his job.
It's what is on the inside that counts?
"Is it possible to die of secondhand embarrassment?" asked one person.
In 2017 he appeared at Festival as a hero...
He looked even more haunted than usual after this dressing down!
"Boris Johnson got fewer votes than he has alleged children," tweeted one scamp.