"This is the endgame of pure capitalism. Don’t be deluded thinking capitalism has a soft side. Don’t be deluded thinking...
"The workplace is now a completely toxic environment where nasty, tone-deaf 'jokes' such as these are considered culturally acceptable."
"One of the funniest things on TV I’ve seen in a long while," wrote one person.
What they say and the truth don't always match.
"Didn't predict @carolvorders destroying Tory MPs more efficiently than any of our journalists who are meant to hold them to...
Well this comment didn't go down well....
Has the penny, like the pound, finally dropped?
Lee Anderson is also seen holding a sign saying “hungry and homeless.”
"The environment secretary has let water companies get away with this environmental crime for far too long."
This was brutal for the Tories...
"I could, and probably should retweet this everyday. My woke a*s loves this sh*t, tweeted one person in response.
"The British people have been conned," wrote one person, just in case you didn't already know!
An estimated 350 public swimming pools have been forced to shut or reduce opening hours amid surging energy bills.
Well this is some mistake...
"Absolute stitch up," as anger shown at the TV news panel show.