Jake Chansley, also known as the “QAnon Shaman,” has announced plans to purchase firearms. This follows his recent pardon by former President Donald Trump on Monday. Chansley became infamous after storming the Senate chamber during the January 6th riots, wearing a fur headdress and carrying a six-foot spear.
From Felon to Firearm Owner
Under federal law, felons cannot possess guns or ammunition. However, a presidential pardon restores many of their civil rights—including the right to own firearms. Chansley celebrated on social media by posting:
“I got a pardon baby! Thank you President Trump! Now I am gonna buy some motha f*kin guns!!!”
The Face of the Capitol Riot
Chansley’s bison-horned outfit and red, white, and blue face paint made him one of the most recognisable figures from the Capitol breach. He pleaded guilty to obstructing an official proceeding and was sentenced to 41 months in prison. Prosecutors called him “the most prominent symbol of a violent insurrection.”
After receiving the longest sentence of any January 6th rioter, Chansley’s pardon has raised questions about his post-prison plans—especially now that he’s keen to arm himself.
Moving Forward
Many have voiced concern about pardoned felons quickly regaining access to firearms. Critics say the QAnon Shaman’s social media post is a stark reminder of how easily pardons can alter gun ownership laws.
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