Study into towns with more immigrants might not go down well with Brexiters
It is the news the Brexiters won't want to hear...
It is the news the Brexiters won't want to hear...
"Britain faces destitution……” Tory Brexiteer’s ‘sunny uplands’."
Another blow for Brexiters.
'I make no excuses for my rage," he wrote.
"We had wondered what we would do if our energy bills quadrupled, or if we couldn’t pay the mortgage."
Finally the dreaded B word?
"Does he not care about their sovereignty? Is he saying they don’t need to take back control?"
Oh Dear!! The Bank of England has blamed Brexit for damaging the UK Economy. Will Gove, Boozo and Rees-Mugg be ...
Rishi Sunak claimed the country had taken “huge strides” in taking advantage of the opportunities opened up by Brexit.
'I’ve just seen the video Johnson posted yesterday on the benefits of Brexit. It contained barefaced lies and has had ...
"Can you believe this pancake?!?" wrote one person in response.
Lord Frost's message wasn't very inspiring...
"You celebrate the greatest financial disaster ever imposed on our nation?" wrote one person in response.
It comes as today is the 3rd anniversary of Brexit.
It is the third anniversary of Brexit today!