Brexit: Windsor framework could end up banished like Harry & Meghan
A LOT of people seemed to have seen this coming...
A LOT of people seemed to have seen this coming...
"A total Baldrick moment." wrote one person.
"JRM is in a twilight zone of facts and figures," wrtoe one person after watching the clip.
"We are run by complete f*cking morons," wrote one person in response.
Oh dear Frosty!
"These plans shatter the UK’s longstanding commitment under the UN convention to give people a fair hearing."
"Relentless, forensic, articulate, always on point & with a love of Europe as bright as sunshine."
"Meghan .. all her fault."
"Please help me give this insane Government a dose of reality!"
The audience apeared to agree with him...
The Daily Mail is NOT HAPPY!
"Boris Johnson never fails to nauseate."
What would you call him if you jigged past him?
Can you hear the violins?
"My hypocrisy meter just exploded in a ball of flames," wrote one person.