GB News: 30p Lee Anderson in trouble again & so is Mogg
"What the f*ck is wrong with these people?" tweeted Brendan May, and probably a lot of others.
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"What the f*ck is wrong with these people?" tweeted Brendan May, and probably a lot of others.
"From '30p Lee' to '100 G Lee'" tweeted one person.
"Would we expect anything else but unprincipled hypocrisy?" asked one person.
"Lee Anderson asking £50.00 for a dinner ticket? I thought you could get dinner for 30p?"
"What an ar*e, said one person in response.
Just Lee doing what Lee does best...
"Didn't predict @carolvorders destroying Tory MPs more efficiently than any of our journalists who are meant to hold them to ...
"The Bigot Brothers," wrote one person.
"How does Lee Anderson get time to be an MP? He appears to be spending a lot of time following ...
"0 vibes present in this picture."
"Body language Lee , body language."
Lee Anderson is at it again!
'What a giant aggressive man baby Lee Anderson is."
however one person wrote: "I think 30p Lee Anderson is beyond schooling in that he's incapable of learning."