Home » Nadine Dorries
TalkTV's Nadine Dorries terminated a heated debate with former Labour MP Chris Williamson after he failed to describe Hamas as ...
People in glass houses?
"Worst. Game. Of. CLUEDO. Ever."
"Perhaps the most boring conspiracy I've heard all year..."
Just Nadine making a show of herself again..
'How the House of Lords has missed out on such a fine mind,' wrote Toby Earle.
"Oh help. I’m almost agreeing with you," wrote one person.
"In other news, I have quit primary school," wrote one person in response.
She has not spoken in the Commons since June 2022 and last voted in April.
"It’s been six weeks since Nadine Dorries announced her resignation and yet she’s still in post and hasn’t stated when ...
"Imagine your mother writing this about you," wrote one person in response.
How times change...
"Tory Benefit Cheat Dorries," wrote one person in response.